About Wedding Traditions & Meanings

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Wedding gloves tradition – Is it right for you?

When you hear "wedding gloves tradition" what comes to mind? Most people today think it has to do with the bride wearing gloves, and while that is part of it, the original tradition made popular in the 18th and 19th centuries included gloves as a customary wedding favor for guests. In fact, wearing of wedding gloves was actually “required” by wedding etiquette until 1960.

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While formal etiquette still recommends that brides wear gloves as a symbol of grace, today, some brides choose to wear gloves to make an elegant fashion statement or as an embellishment on their special day, while others decide to forego this fashion accessory all together. While most brides don’t really consider etiquette when deciding whether or not to wear gloves, it still helps those who want to wear gloves to decide on length and style to complement their dress. 

Wedding gloves etiquette

When it comes to glove length, wedding gloves etiquette doesn’t offer a set of hard and fast rules but rather provides common sense guidelines when pairing gloves and dress. Along with the style of dress, another factor that plays a role is whether the wedding is formal or informal. Martha Stewart offers detailed guidelines regarding what wedding gloves work best based on wedding dress style and level of formality.

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In general, wedding gloves length is dictated by sleeve length. For instance, wrist-length gloves are most appropriate for longer sleeves and classic elbow length gloves offer a stylish touch with a sleeveless dress. For instance, long gloves work well for brides wearing a ball gown style wedding dress, because they complement the dress in elegance and formality and draw attention to your arms. However, shorties (wrist length gloves) can also be worn for a subtler effect. Opera gloves are formal gloves that reaches beyond the elbow and can be paired with simple gowns as an embellishment for a bold fashion statement. Modern brides sometimes even choose black opera gloves instead of white.

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Wedding gloves and the ring

One more thing to consider when wearing gloves is the exchange of rings during the wedding ceremony. In the 80s, fingerless gloves were the rage, perhaps this is why. Most often, gloves are worn when walking the aisle of the church, and when the bride hands off her bouquet to her maid/matron of honor, the gloves can be slipped off and handed off too.

While wedding gloves offer a custom with a rich history, today modern brides can choose to wear them or not. For those who do want to adhere to tradition, along with glove length, matching the fabric of the wedding dress is another consideration. However, for today’s brides it’s more common to choose gloves that match your wedding day dreams, so if you want to wear lace gloves with your satin dress, go for it.

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Thank you for reading. 

Photo credits: pixabay

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