About Wedding Traditions & Meanings

Monday, April 29, 2024

How the Bridal Bouquet Became a Timeless Symbol of Love: Unveiling Its History and Significance

The bridal bouquet is a beautiful and meaningful tradition in weddings, but its origins and symbolism have evolved over centuries. Here's a deeper look into its history and significance.

Unveiling bridal bouquet history and significance

Ancient Origins: The tradition of carrying flowers by brides dates back to ancient civilizations. In ancient Rome, brides carried herbs and spices to ward off evil spirits and ensure fertility. Similarly, in ancient Greece, brides carried bouquets of herbs and flowers to symbolize new beginnings, fidelity, and hope.


bridal bouquet

Medieval Europe: During the Middle Ages, the bridal bouquet took on religious symbolism. Brides carried strong-smelling herbs and spices, such as garlic and dill, to ward off evil spirits. Flowers such as daisies, symbolizing innocence, and marigolds, symbolizing protection and prosperity, were also popular choices.

Medieval bridal bouquet


Victorian Era: The Victorian era saw the bridal bouquet evolve into a more elaborate and symbolic accessory. Queen Victoria's wedding in 1840 popularized the use of flowers in weddings, particularly her bouquet of snowdrops, which symbolized hope and purity. The Victorian language of flowers, or floriography, further heightened the symbolism of bouquets, with each flower carrying its own meaning.

Queen Victoria Wedding
L'Adieu. Wedding of Crown Prince Frederick William and Princess Victoria. Date: 1858. Culture: British. Accession number: B2011.12.6.

Symbolism of the bridal bouquet

The bridal bouquet is rich in symbolism, with each flower carrying its own significance. Some common floral symbolism in bridal bouquets includes:

  • Roses: Symbolize love, passion, and beauty.
  • Lily of the Valley: Signify purity and happiness.
  • Peonies: Represent prosperity, good fortune, and a happy marriage.
  • Calla Lilies: Symbolize magnificence and beauty.

Additionally, the colors and arrangement of flowers can convey specific meanings. For example, white flowers symbolize purity and innocence, while red flowers symbolize love and passion.

Modern Significance: Today, the bridal bouquet remains an essential element of weddings, albeit with more personalization and creativity. Brides often choose flowers based on their personal preferences, wedding theme, or cultural significance. Some couples incorporate heirloom jewelry or meaningful keepsakes into their bouquets, adding an extra layer of sentimentality.

The bridal bouquet has evolved from its ancient roots and superstitions as a protective charm to become a symbol of love, purity, and new beginnings. Its rich history and symbolism continue to add beauty and meaning to weddings across cultures and generations.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tradition of the Ornate Norse Wedding Crown

The history of the ornate Norse wedding crown is intertwined with the cultural and historical developments of the Nordic region, particularly during the medieval and post-medieval periods. While precise documentation of its origin is limited, its evolution can be traced through archaeological findings, historical records, and cultural practices. 

Nordic Wedding Crown

Origins of the Norse wedding crown

The origins of the Nordic wedding crown likely stem from medieval European traditions, including Christian customs and influences from neighboring regions During the Middle Ages, crowns were symbols of nobility, authority, and religious significance. As Christianity spread throughout Scandinavia, elements of Christian wedding customs, such as crowns and blessings, likely influenced the development of the Nordic wedding crown tradition. (Some regions suggest it is fashioned after the Virgin Mary’s crown). 

Nordic bridal crown

Purpose of the wedding crown

The tradition of the Nordic wedding crown as it is known today emerged during the post-medieval period (late Middle Ages and on). As societies became more structured and wealthier, families invested in heirloom-quality items for special occasions, including weddings. In the Viking culture, the bridal crown was most often a family heirloom crafted of silver. Silver and gold were the two precious metals commonly used for such purposes, and ornate crowns became symbolic elements of bridal attire, signifying purity, lineage, and familial wealth. It was probably the most significant item in her trousseau.

Like many wedding traditions, the origins of the Norse Wedding Crown are tied to the superstition that the crown deflected evil spirits in the same way the wedding veil custom was thought to hide the bride from evil spirits. For the Norwegian tradition, the bride wore her ornate silver and gold crown decorated with small dangling charms. As the bride moved the tinkling of the charms was thought to chase away the evil spirits, much the same way the clanking of tin cans and old shoes tied to the back of the newlywed's getaway carriage was thought to help ward away evil spirits.


Grandmother's Bridal Crown, Adolph Tidemand (Norwegian painter)


The tradition continues to evolve

Despite societal and cultural changes over the centuries, the tradition of the Nordic wedding crown persisted in Nordic communities. Families continued to pass down heirloom crowns from generation to generation, and the symbolism associated with the crown remained significant in wedding ceremonies. Over time, the design and ornamentation of the crowns may have evolved to reflect changing tastes and fashion trends, but the core symbolism and cultural significance endured.

The Nordic wedding crown remains a cherished symbol of tradition, heritage, and marital union in Scandinavia to this day. While the exact origins of the Nordic wedding crown are not definitively documented, its history can be traced through the intersection of medieval European traditions, Viking-era practices, Christian influences, and evolving cultural norms within Nordic societies.


Photo Credits: Norsk Folkemuseum, picryl, flickr

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

History of black wedding dresses

While most of us in the West tend to think of the black wedding dress as something new, a gothic fashion statement, or a way to buck tradition, the black wedding dress has a rich cultural history. Its origins can be traced back 3,000 years ago to the Zhou Dynasty in China. In the West, black lace wedding dresses were traditional for Roman Catholic brides in Spain and many brides in the West wore black because it was a color that didn’t show stains and the dress could be worn following the wedding as their good dress. 

Bridal dresses

Black wedding dress in Chinese history

During the Zhou dynasty(1046BC——256BC), wedding dresses worn by Chinese brides were modest, solemn, black, and worn over light red underwear. The bride’s hair was worn up and held in place with a band and hairpin.

Black wedding dress


Today in China, wedding dresses differ by region. Northern Chinese traditional brides most often wear a dress that is mostly red and decorated with elaborate gold and silver designs. In Southern China, traditional brides prefer a two-piece red dress ornately decorated with a gold dragon and phoenix. Modern couples have stepped away from these traditional dresses to a more simplified wedding dress.

Spanish brides wore black

In Spain, Roman Catholic brides wore black, historically, too. The custom outfitted the bride in a black lace gown, with a black lace veil (mantilla) draped over her head and shoulders. This veil symbolized her vow to love her husband until death. 

Black wedding dress with large bustle


History of the black wedding dress in the West

White wedding gowns became popular in the Victorian era, following Queen Victoria’s wedding. Before the white dress, most brides in Western Europe wore a variety of colors, but black wedding dresses were a popular choice. Not because it was the most fashionable, but because they were most practical. Wedding dresses were expensive and most women couldn’t afford a special dress to where one time. Instead, they selected a black dress because the dark color didn’t show stains, and the dress could be worn following the wedding.

Women's Lace Mermaid Wedding Dress

 Available on Amazon


Today, some brides who choose to wear black think they are bucking tradition, and while they are, they are also returning to tradition. As the saying goes, there’s nothing new under the sun.

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Photo credits: Photo by Murat IŞIK Photo by Bormann Chen


Friday, July 28, 2023

Bride’s Pye a strange wedding tradition

Looking back at 16th century Yorkshire, pies were the common tradition. Rather than cakes, the Bride’s Pye (Bride’s Pie) was considered an essential dish for marriage celebrations. Like many wedding traditions its importance was tied to superstitions and thought to be necessary for the couple’s future happiness. Wait until you see what was expected of the bride in this tradition!

bride's pye

What bride’s pye symbolized

The bride and groom were presented with Bride’s Pye when they arrived at their new home. While this sounds like a nice way to welcome the couple to their new life together, in practice, the pie wasn’t only for eating. The bride only ate one piece and the rest was smashed over her head, and she wore the smashed pie for the rest of the day! Why? It symbolized her devotion to her husband.

Once the groom smashed the pie on his bride’s head, he threw the plate over his head and watched it break into pieces. The more pieces, the more years of happiness and fortune they could look forward to. Etiquette also required the bridegroom to wait on his bride. 

And so, the bride’s pye was considered essential to the couple’s future happiness. This reminds me of the wedding tradition of the barley loaf which came before the bride’s pye. The loaf was broken over the bride’s head for good luck, and the people gathered crumbs for their own good fortune. In the case of the Bride’s Pye, it was considered rude if any attending the celebration didn’t take part.

How big was a bride’s pye?

A lot of work went into the making a bride’s pye. It was always round, with a thick decorated crust. Most often it was a mincemeat or mutton pie made with sweetbreads but I’ve also read a recipe that included a fat laying hen, full of eggs, probably intended as an emblem of fertility To get an idea of the size of this dish, consider this 1808 recipe from The experienced English Housekeeper by Elizabeth Raffaid.

  • Boil two calf's feet, pick the meat from the bones and chop it very fine.
  • Shred small one pound of beef suet and a pound of apples
  • Wash and pick one pound of currants very small, dry them before the fire
  • Stone and chop a quarter of a pound of jar raisins
  • A quarter of an ounce of cinnamon
  • A quarter of an ounce of mace or nutmeg
  • Two ounces of candied citron
  • Two ounces of candied lemon cut thin
  • A glass of brandy and one of Champagne

Put them in a China dish with a rich puff paste over it, roll another lid, and cut it in leaves, flowers, figures, and put a glass ring in it.


raised pies


Ring inside the pie

One last thing worth mentioning about the Bride’s Pye tradition is that it had a glass ring cooked into it. The lady who found the ring in her serving of pie was thought to be the next to marry.

The bride’s pye tradition carried into the seventeenth century but then evolved into a bride cake, the precursor to the modern wedding cake. And while the smashing of the cake on the bride's head seems a strange tradition, when I think of how couples often smash wedding cake in each others' faces I guess our customs can be just as strange. I wonder if that's where smashing the cake originated.